Sara Wong
Product Design

Typeface / Fashion / Gifs / Motion / Branding / Photography / Exhibition

Documentary style photography

An visual exploration of love and the struggles within it.


With a lot of luck, I met Henry Langstaff at Starbucks. Through a few email exchanges (to ensure I wasn't crazy, and vice versa) Henry welcomed me into his home.

When I met Henry, he told me his family had recently moved across the country from Nebraska to Syracuse because his wife, Kathleen, landed a major job opportunity. Due to the nature of Kathleen's work in Forensics, which required late hours, he then became a stay-at-home dad.

The project quickly escalated into a love story about new beginnings and breaking gender stereotypes.

Henry had mentioned they haven't had a chance to take many quality photos together since the move, so I wanted to capture the trio together as much as possible. Thus, I made it a point to only visit their home during the weekends and dinner time, which became an effective way to help minimize any accommodations or adjustment they might have had to make outside of their daily schedule.


As a first-time photojournalist, I absolutely fell in love with capturing stories. It was a privilege to be welcomed into such a private space and an honor to be capturing the family's memories.

During the short period of time I spent with the Langstaff's family, I learned a lot about unconditional love. It's a love that teaches you why starting a new family is so magical, why traditionally gender roles don't matter, the hardships of new beginnings – and in this case, it was in literally every aspect of the Langstaff's lives. From their career paths to living conditions, to budding relationships, and even baby number two on the way.
